Re: Why so many coding typefaces with large x-height?
I’m leaning towards adding an alternate family, Bodoni Egyptian Code, with slashed zeroes, and bolder tittles and periods in the Regular and Light weights. I will make the default figures old style, …1 -
Re: Contextual alternates in latin sans-serif
You should add a variable axis, in which the part snipped off travels for A to Z and back again. ;-)1 -
Re: Ai generated display Latin typeface: Mario
AI can certainly come up with some odd letter constructions that would never occur to one otherwise. But making them into a coherent typeface is another matter. Baby steps, here.2 -
Re: Rules while designing Italics
In recent work, I discovered that the italic angle of the lower case of my Scotch Modern (a facsimile revival of a mid-19th century design) was the same as the angle of the right-leaning diagonals of…8 -
Re: Type Network's new CEO
It doesn’t matter whether the distribution platform is owned by type designers, because they may sell it anyway. If you don’t want your font business to end up in a distribution channel owned by Mono…7